My Apprenticeship - Thursday, July 29, 2004

This summer I'm revisiting my short apprenticeship at Object Mentor. I'll be posting commentary on all my posts from the summer of 2004 exactly 5 years later to the day.

Thursday 7-29-04

So I was doing one last re-install of Word Press, just to make sure I understood everything that could go wrong -- But apparently there was one more thing. I just couldn't sign in from my laptop when I pointed it's browser at the Linux box. I know I had the right login and password because it worked on the other machine. After spending too much time messing around in the Linux terminal, I went back to my laptop, deleted the cookies associated with that website, and everything was fine.

Cookies are a problem.

The chess program is proving to be an interesting problem. Everything wants to know about everything else. Must... Manage... Dependencies...

"Everything wants to know about everything else" I fight this battle every day. And I continue to fight cookies and other browser state tricks. State is the enemy.


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