RSpec Resources
Later this evening I'm giving a talk on RSpec at the Houston Ruby and Rails Group.
In case somebody misses a link, I'm posting them here:
RSpec's homepage:
RSpec Users Mailing list:
David Chelimsky's Blog:
If you install RSpec as a plugin to your Rails project, then look inside:
for some nice spec examples
Once you've got RSpec and RSpec on Rails installed in your project, running:
In case somebody misses a link, I'm posting them here:
RSpec's homepage:
RSpec Users Mailing list:
David Chelimsky's Blog:
If you install RSpec as a plugin to your Rails project, then look inside:
for some nice spec examples
Once you've got RSpec and RSpec on Rails installed in your project, running:
ruby script/generate rspec_scaffold person name:string phone_number:integer cash:decimalfrom the base of your project will get you a bunch of generated specs to look at and play with.
Thanks for the great rspec resources. Do you have any links to using rspec with attachment_fu? I keep getting "uninitialized constant Technoweenie::AttachmentFu" when running my specs. Thank you for your help.
- Robert